근친 [近親] a near[an immediate] relation; a near[close] relative; (kith and) kin; (관계) near relationship. ~ 이외의 사람들 those outside the immediate family. 그들은 ~ 간이다 They are near related[near each other in blood]. 그의 ~ 가운데는 유명한 작가가 있다 One of his near relative[relations] is a famous writer.▷ 근친 결혼 (a) consanguineous marriage.▷ 근친 상간 incest.근친 [覲親] a bride's visit to her parents; a bride's (first) call on her parents. ~하다 pay[make / give] a visit to one's parents after one's marriage; call on[upon] one's parents.n. near relative; bride's call at her maiden home; kin, relatives